J Matte RMT

Massage Therapy

The body already has the ability to heal itself. With massage therapy, the goal is always to optimize health and movement while reducing pain and stagnation within the body.

The spark that started my passion for massage therapy was in elementary school. I would massage my friends when we watched movies in class. I always had to keep my hands busy and I found a passion in helping others. I graduated and became a registered Massage Therapist by fall of 2013. I now have over a decade of professional experience in this field and my passion for healing only keeps on growing. I’ve taken numerous courses over the years to find natural solutions to so many conditions and dysfunctions we all face. I found craniosacral therapy early on in my career which eventually lead me down a beautiful path with pregnancy and birth. Cupping intrigued me because of the negative pressure it entails - and I personally really enjoy the positive effects. My journey towards healing others is on going and has brought me to this peaceful town of Arnprior where Ive open up my own little healing space. I look forward to meeting whoever feels drawn to rebalancing their body.

The spark that started my passion for massage therapy was in elementary school. I would massage m... Read More

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Located at: 83 Douglas Brown way, Arnprior
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